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About Redwood Valley Rancheria


The Past

The Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians (Redwood Valley Rancheria) is a federally recognized Indian tribe located in Redwood Valley, Mendocino County, California. For several thousand years the Tribe’s ancestors lived along the West Fork of the Russian River, located north of Calpella, CA. The Tribe interacted with other Pomo tribes located within the Russian River watershed, the Eel River watershed, and tribes found along the coasts of the Clearlake and the Pacific Ocean.

Much was lost with the advancement of European settlers before and after the California Goldrush.  In 1908 Redwood Valley Rancheria was established as a home for "Homeless Indians." However, In 1958 the United States Congress terminated Redwood Valley Rancheria and many other tribes by enacting the California Rancheria Termination Act. In 1983 this act was declared illegal as a result of the Tillie Hardwick, et al. v. United States of America, et al. Case. Redwood Valley Rancheria and many other rancherias had their tribal status restored.

The Present

The Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians is a sovereign indian tribe with the powers of self-governance. Its tribal members elect a Tribal Council which acts as the governing body. The Council is authorized to write and enact ordinances and resolutions, conduct tribal business, and perform other actions that are commonly delegated to local governments.


Today, Redwood Valley Rancheria has 159 acres of land in trust. It manages a wide array of social, educational, environmental and infrastructure programs. Click on the menu above to find out more about these programs.

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